Alliance Sponsors Ken Dychtwald’s ‘Life’s Third Age’ Program

3 minute read

In his groundbreaking special for American Public Television, exclusively sponsored by the Alliance, renowned psychologist, gerontologist and best-selling author Ken Dychtwald presents life-changing insights and innovative ways Americans can discover, navigate and enjoy previously unimagined opportunities and challenges in this new life stage Dr. Dychtwald calls the Third Age, including learning how to match our health span to our life span, be our best self and maintain our financial security.

“Due to increasing longevity and the aging of the boomer generation, retirement is radically changing, morphing into an entirely new phase of life now that few people or societies in human history have ever considered or experienced,” said Dr. Dychtwald. “We’re living 20, 30 and more years in life’s Third Age, and innovation in everything from health care to housing to finances is transforming how Americans can lead healthier and more fulfilling lives at every age.”

Age Wave is excited to partner with the Alliance for Lifetime Income on this educational journey to help people live their best life.

Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. Founder & CEO, Age Wave

“The pandemic has triggered a year of uncertainty in virtually every aspect of people’s lives, from our health to our finances, causing millions of Americans to reset their priorities and reimagine what they want in that next phase of life,” said Jean Statler, CEO of the Alliance for Lifetime Income. “Ken’s decades of work and practical, real-world guidance align closely with the Alliance’s mission – to educate Americans about the importance of having protected income through an annuity, so they have the freedom to live the life they want.”

“Life’s Third Age With Ken Dychtwald” debuted in December on public stations in the New York City area and New Jersey. Check your local listings for additional airings.

During the program, Dr. Dychtwald stresses the importance of retirement planning that should take into account longer life spans. Living longer in retirement is great news that can be full of possibilities, but it also increases the risks that you won’t have enough income to maintain the lifestyle you want in retirement. Annuities can be a powerful solution to uncertainty and the risk of running out of money in retirement because they provide protected income you can count on to help cover essential monthly expenses in retirement.

    We’re living longer, Dr. Dychtwald explains, but that means it’s more important than ever to plan for our Third Age.

    Dr. Dychtwald encourages us to imagine our Third Age, estimate the costs of that life and work toward making our retirement a reality.

Central to “Life’s Third Age” is that our expectations and approach to retirement have changed. We’re no longer tied to the idea that we’re supposed to work 40 years and then have nothing but free time. Today, many are extending their work life while simultaneously pursuing the other things they’ve always wanted to do.

Although a reimagined retirement, or Third Age, is an exciting time, many Americans aren’t prepared for it. “Eighty-one percent of Americans say they don’t have any idea how much money they’re going to need to fund their retirement,” Dr. Dychtwald explains. Even though there are a lot of unknowns in retirement planning, he encourages you to spend time imagining the type of life you want in retirement so that you can plan for the resources you’ll need.

After watching “Life’s Third Age,” tap into the Alliance’s tools and resources on this website and learn how adding protected income through an annuity can help you enjoy life’s Third Age.

Reflections on ‘Life’s Third Age’ With Jean Statler and Ken Dychtwald

After the December airing of “Life’s Third Age,” the Alliance’s Jean Statler caught up with Ken Dychtwald for a conversation about how Americans today want to live an active, satisfying retirement that’s different from the ones of past generations. They discuss achieving a rewarding retirement through living healthy, reimagining your possibilities during this time and careful planning to secure protected income for your Third Age.


    Today’s retirees view their Third Age as a time of reinvention and new beginnings.


    Dr. Dychtwald discusses the decades of work he and his team have spent exploring the evolution of retirement.


    Many boomers today want to try their hand at something new in working beyond the typical retirement age.


    With the decline of traditional pensions, Americans planning for retirement need to convert their 401(k) funds into protected income for their Third Age.

Learn About the New Retirement

Download the Alliance’s discussion guide to Life’s Third Age and go to Ken Dychtwald’s Age Wave website for the next air time near you.

Stay informed with the latest updates on protected income planning.